Posted On: June 21, 2024

FMCSA Removes Two Devices from List of Registered ELDs

Posted On: May 02, 2024

NYSMWA Holds Spring Meetings in Syracuse

Posted On: April 04, 2024

DOT Restrictions in Place During Upcoming Solar Eclipse

Are You Aware of the New York City Commercial Zone Exemption?

The New York City Commercial Zone is 20 miles beyond the borders of New York, NY.  When determining the boundaries of the commercial zone, start from the nearest boundaries of NYC that border that State. Such as Staten Island, Manhattan, and the Bronx for New Jersey and the Bronx for Connecticut.  Use United States Postal zip codes with Google Maps.  In New Jersey there are parts of Morris County that extend beyond the 20 miles.  The exemption covers all of Morris County, NJ.

 372.235 New York, NY.

 The zone adjacent to, and commercially a part of, New York, NY, within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under common control, management, or arrangement for shipment to or from points beyond such zone is partially exempt from regulation under 49 U.S.C. 13506(b)(1)

Contact NYSMWA for more information about this exemption