Posted On: January 09, 2025

NYSMWA Regional Meet & Greet-Rochester, NY Jan. 15, 2025

Posted On: January 09, 2025

NYSMWA Regional Meet & Greet-Buffalo, NY Jan. 14, 2025

Posted On: August 14, 2024

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Coronavirus Update–Essential/Non Essential Status for NY Movers



Governor Andrew Cuomo’s most recent executive order requires all non-essential businesses to reduce in-person workforce by 100% taking effect at 8pm tonight.  As you are aware, your Association has been working to determine whether “moving services” are deemed an essential business during the COVID-19 pandemic.  As of this evening, the guidance issued by Empire State Development (ESD) still does not specifically list moving as an essential service.  However, we do have guidance that was given to individual businesses that states that moving services are essential.  We also believe that the original guidance provides categories that are deemed essential businesses that would cover moving operations.


With this being said, ESD did not provide a way for an Association to receive a declaration for an industry as a whole.  Our legislative counsel is still working with ESD, and it is our hope that as the guidance is amended, we will get further clarification.  Please note that the Association cannot give you legal advice and tell you whether you can still operate.  We can merely provide you with the information we have to date.


If you have received an individual letter or you feel the current guidance covers your operations, please keep in mind that the designation as essential is related solely to those employees that must be present to support the essential business activities.  No other employees/personnel are permitted to work from your business location.  Also, for those essential employees that are remaining, please follow all recommended social distance guidelines to every extent possible.  Some recommendations are:


  • Maintain appropriate social space by reducing crew sizes in cabs.
  • Avoid physical contact with other employees or customers, use a non-contact greeting.
  • Re-schedule surveys or moves if able to do so.
  • Disinfect surfaces with disposable wipes for doorknobs, desks, keyboards, truck cab and handrails.
  • Wash your hands after going to the bathroom, coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.
  • Know your surroundings.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve “not your hands” when coughing or sneezing.
  • If you feel sick and have any respiratory symptoms, call out and stay home.
  • Be Safe


We will continue to provide updated information and guidance as we receive it.  Please let me know if you have any questions.


Stay safe everyone.